Your motto is “settlement focused” and “litigation ready”. Can you explain what that means?
It is always preferable to settle family law disputes outside of court. Negotiated settlements are enforceable orders that have all the same power as an[...]
Lawyers are expensive, but I really need the help! Do you have any tips on saving money? (Part 2)
In the legal world time really is money. Most Law firms bill in 6-minute chunks of time. Stay out of court wherever possible. Using alternate[...]
Lawyers are expensive, but I really need the help! Do you have any tips on saving money? (Part 1)
In the legal world time really is money. Most law firms bill in 6-minute chunks of time. The simplest way to save money on legal[...]
Lawyers are expensive, but I really need the help! Do you have any tips on saving money? (Part 3)
In the legal world time really is money. Most law firms bill in 6-minute chunks of time. Trust your lawyer and follow their advice. Arguing[...]